Seed Rotation for Menstruation

Promotes Natural Healthy Hormone Balance

These selected seeds contain essential fatty acids that promote a healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone regulating your menstrual cycle. By adding them to your diet not only do they help to normalize irregular menstrual cycles, they also can decrease PMS, menstrual migraines, support adrenal and thyroid health, and improve digestion and elimination.

The Importance of Understanding Your Cycle

A healthy menstrual cycle lasts between 26-29 days long and the menses, or period, lasts 5-7 days with moderate flow and are pain free.  Day 1 is defined as the first day you bleed.  Ovulation occurs around day 14.

Track your cycle, noting the dates you bleed, every month.  If your cycle length is between 26-29 days long use your cycle days to time when you should rotate seeds.  If your cycle is irregular (a different length every month varying more than 3 days), shorter than 26 days, or longer than 29 days follow the moon cycle to know when to rotate seeds. (See below)

If you are a women no longer cycling (postmenopausal) you can alternate flax and/or pumpkin and/or chia one month then follow it with sunflower and/or sesame the next month.

Directions for regular cycles:

Add 2 Tbs fresh ground organic seeds to salads, shakes, stir-fries, yogurt, plain, or to anything else you’re eating. Seeds should be raw, organic and freshly ground. Use a coffee grinder, put them in a dark container or paper bag and keep them in the fridge for your convenience.

Flax/Hemp/Chia seeds: day 1 - day 14  

Sunflower/Sesame/Pumpkin seeds: day 15 – day 28  

If you do not see results in 2–3 months you may consider supplementation with the following oils.

Additional Oil Supplements:

Fish oil (Super EFA or Cod Liver Oil Forte by Seroyal): 

Liquid:       1 Tbsp  1 x/day day 1-day 14 

Capsules:   2 caps  2 x/day day 1-day 14 

Evening Primrose Oil (GLA 130 by Seroyal):

 2 cap (s) 2 x/day day 15- day 28 

Directions for the moon cycle:

Add 2 Tbs fresh ground organic seeds to salads, shakes, stir-fries, yogurt, plain, or to anything else you’re eating. Seeds should be raw, organic and freshly ground. Use a coffee grinder, put them in a dark container or paper bag and keep them in the fridge for your convenience.

Flax/Hemp/Chia seeds: new to full moon 

Fish oil:  2 caps  2 x/day  new to full moon  

Sunflower/Sesame/Pumpkin seeds: full to new moon   

Evening Primrose Oil (GLA 130 by Seroyal): 2 caps 2 x/day full to new moon


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