The Why and How of Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the main benefits of apple cider vinegar is the fact that it is very effective in helping the body detoxify both the blood stream and various organs in the body. Aspects of apple cider vinegar act, therefore, as a purifier, and have the ability to break down fatty mucous and phlegm deposits in the body. In turn, apple cider vinegar therefore promotes the healthy functioning of the body’s vital organs by preventing your urine from becoming excessively alkaline. 

The organs it assists include the kidneys, bladder, liver and GI. Apple cider vinegar also assists the blood by oxidizing it, which prevents the blood from becoming too viscous (thick) and can results in putting more pressure on the heart and blood vessels, raising the blood pressure. 

Preparing meals and cooking at home is a great way to get the digestive juices flowing, but because we typically eat on the run, or standing up, and most of our meals come through the window of our car, our body doesn’t have time to stimulate these essential enzymes.  This vinegar also assists in digestion in that it helps to neutralize any toxic substance that enters the body.

So, adding 1-2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar to 4 oz. of water and drinking it 10-15 minutes before every meal will help prep the stomach for food. It “turns on” the digestive enzymes and optimizes food breakdown so you can then maximize absorption of nutrients. 

One key ingredient of apple cider vinegar is potassium. One great benefit of apple cider vinegar is the fact that it has a great potent supply of this element as potassium is involved in many of the bodies processes from preventing runny noses, to being essential to the normal growth of the body, to being important for the replacement of worn out tissues that rely on this mineral, to assisting the soft tissues as calcium does bones and teeth.



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