Webinar with ITSAN: During a Pandemic and Beyond

Now is a critical time take prioritize our health and healing, which is why I am sharing this webinar with you. This is a webinar I did for the ITSAN (Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome Support) community. But even if you don’t suffer from Topical Steroid Withdrawal, this video is still for you! You will find a helpful overview of how to take care of your body no matter whether you are considered high risk.

But for those of you are are at high risk, this of special importance. Those who suffer from Topical Steroid Withdrawal deal with impaired immune function. And for any immunocompromised person, it is important to know how to best take care of yourself during this COVID-19 pandemic.

A note: please speak with a Doctor before taking specific dosages. This decision should be made between you and your medical practitioner. You can contact me by clicking here.


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