Losing 106 pounds with Phillip Aronoff & Healing Your Relationship with Yourself

Today on HEAL, I have the incredible privilege to talk with my friend Phillip Aronoff, and share his journey of losing 106 pounds. No gimmicks, no weight loss plans, nothing but transformation of self, grit, and perseverance. Philip shares his passion for his own health and the health of others, and is committed to impact people's lives and mental health.

Having lost the weight, he's now created a new challenge for himself that will also contribute to BCC Evolution, a mental health and suicide awareness nonprofit. He's taking on the 29,029 Everesting Challenge, hiking the full height of Mount Everest in 36 hours or less in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.

Referenced in the Show

Phillip’s Bio

After losing 110 pounds since June of 2021 and no longer needing my anxiety and depression medication, I realized I needed another challenge, one I would have never tried when I was 282 pounds. I have always had fears in my life and there is no better time than the present to conquer them. This will take true grit and mental toughness, something I have always questioned whether or not I had. We are all about to find out.

I also have the opportunity to change lives by helping BCC Evolution by raising this money and then some which will not only change lives but save them. I have read way too many stories about young people committing suicide and it takes a piece of my heart every time. I want people to know it’s ok to not be ok. I was lucky enough to have people who loved me enough to see that I was in pain and want to help me. Not everyone has that and it’s time we start taking steps to change that. 29,029 steps to be exact.

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