Walking across America for Health Equity: Everyone deserves to be healthy with Dr. Dennis Godby, ND

Dr. Dennis Godby shares about his third walk across the United States. This time to promote awareness of health equity: that all people of all races, class, genders, and economic status have access to just. fair, safe, and highly effective medical care and health education.

It's about getting the words health equity, and not just equality out into the world. Many people need a leg up just to reach the same access level and possibility of health that other people are born into. Dennis Godby, naturopathic physician, has been a licensed and practicing doctor in Sacramento, California for 12 years, and he has been standing for preventative medicine with the importance of health and diet and exercise.

Since 1978 when he ran from San Francisco to Washington, DC 3,006 miles, a hundred percent self-supported. An incredibly inspiring activist and physician, Dennis Godby is the pinnacle of a person who is willing to take massive action to bring awareness and change to issues that matter to him and to the world. Join us.

Reference in the Show

Dr. Dennis Godby, ND, MA

As a naturopathic doctor, I have witnessed the power of a preventative lifestyle and naturopathic medicine to transform the health and lives of thousands of patients.

To nationally share this extremely good news – how to prevent the preventable – I founded and co-directed The Run: Moving Natural Medicine Forward, and ran 3,000 miles across the USA, at a 30 mile per day clip, over 4 months, to promote a healthier America and to increase the visibility of naturopathic medicine (see  Walkusaforhealthequity.org ). After talking to thousands of people across 16 states and Washington, DC, over 124 days on the highways and byways of America, I found that there is a virtual consensus across the USA that our nation is not preventing the preventable, that our very lifestyles are killing us, and that as a nation, we are overusing pharmaceutical drugs!

sac-nd.com | walkusaforhealthequity.org


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