Possibility of CURE: drainage, voltage, and grounding with Dr. Dick Thom, DDS, ND

We talk with my personal physician and mentor of 17 years, Dr. Dick Thom. Dr. Thom was one of my very first professors in naturopathic medical school, and I was hooked from the start. Together, in this episode, we explore the core foundations of what it takes to heal, to rebuild health, and discuss some of the fundamental aspects of what has caused our epidemic of poor health and disease in the modern world. From core naturopathic philosophy, to right here and now actions you can take to increase your vitality and resilience to heal and prevent illness, Dr. Thom and I are gonna talk about it all!

Referenced in the Show

Bio for Dr. Dick Thom, DDS, ND

I have over 45 years of medical experience as a clinician and teacher to doctors, students and the lay public in proven medical principles and business skills. My first post-doctoral degree was obtained from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry in 1974. I received my first Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada in 1986. In 1989, I completed a second degree from National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. I am the past Dean of Naturopathic Medicine at NCNM and was a full-time professor for over 25 years.

In 2009, I received a very prestigious honor and was awarded “The Vis Award” from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians for my commitment to the Healing Power of Nature as demonstrated through my work, life, and community service.

I have lectured extensively for over 40 years throughout the world and have written and collaborated on many articles dealing with energy medicines and nutrition. I am the author of 5 books:

  • Coping with Food Intolerances

  • Unda Numbers: An Energetic Journey to Homeostasis and Wellness

  • Bioregulatory Medicine, An Integrative Holistic Approach to Self-Healing

  • Basic Treatment Guidelines, aka Natural Laws to Live By and soon be released,

  • Begin Again: Trauma, Disease, and Healing with The Brain Protocol & Bioregulatory Medicine.

In addition to a long career as a professor, I have always maintained a private practice with a primary focus on chronic disease, autoimmune disease, neurological conditions, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disorders.

I am still practicing biological medicine in Scottsdale, AZ. With 5 decades to perfect my philosophy and understanding of the human body, I believe Health is a reflection of physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic balance, and I remain committed to helping people overcome obstacles to achieving this essential equilibrium.



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