Transcending the Gender Binary: The Spiritual Path to Self Acceptace and Self Love with Cori Lovejoy

We get to talk with Cori Lovejoy, again. Now nearly two and a half years later, she's in a whole new stage of her transition. From cisman, to transwoman, to recognizing the spiritual growth and evolution of her humanity in the process of exploring gender. Now, in a new conversation of the fluidity of all energies of expression of who we are, she recognizes the universal nature of her story for all of us in being willing to fully love ourselves, accept our darkness, heal our shame, and find comfort in our own skin.

Referenced in the Show

Meet Cori Lovejoy

Cori Lovejoy is a consultant, educator, coach, facilitator, speaker, storyteller, writer, and parent. She enjoys telling the story of her journey as a transwoman and sharing what she's learning about life, love, and being a better human being by becoming a woman. She lives in Bellingham, Washington, and loves fashion, house music, dancing, and hanging out with friends whenever possible.



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