Healing osteoporosis, bone health, creating new habits with Dr. John Neustadt

Dr. John Neustadt and I talk about healing osteoporosis, cultivating bone health, and the power of building supportive daily habits to maximize our longevity.

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Dr. John Neustadt’s Bio

John Neustadt, ND is Founder and President of the dietary supplement company Nutritional Biochemistry, Inc (NBI, nbihealth.com) and of NBI Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Neustadt started NBI in 2006 when he couldn’t find products with the doses or combinations of nutrients shown in clinical trials to work and that he needed to help his patients. The nutrients in his Osteo-K and Osteo-K Minis formulas promote healthy bone density and maintain strong bones as indicated by more than 70% fewer fractures in clinical trials. Through NBI Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Neustadt received more than a dozen US FDA Orphan Drug Designations for the potential treatment of rare diseases using natural products. He hosts the Delivering Health podcast, is a member of the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) Corporate Advisory Roundtable (CAR) and is Vice President of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association (CNDA). 

Dr. Neustadt earned his naturopathic medical degree from Bastyr University, where he received The Founders’ Award for academic and clinical excellence. Dr. Neustadt is a frequent speaker at medical conferences, has written four books and over 100 published research reviews. He was recognized by Elsevier as a Top Ten Cited Author in the world for his work. His latest book is the Amazon Bestseller, Fracture-Proof Your Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoporosis.


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